Rooms and apartments in the Apartmenthotel Panorama in Wagrain

Cancellation conditions

In case of another "Lock-down" we will cancell your reservation for free till the last day

Cancellation conditions


  • Cancellation up to 90 days before arrival: 0% cancellation fee
  • Cancellation 90 days to 42 days before arrival: 40% cancellation fee
  • Cancellation  42 days to 7 days to the day of arrival: 90% cancellation fee
  • Cancellation 7 days befor arrival or no show: 100 cancellation fee


  • Deposit per double room: approx. 30% of the room price
  • Deposit per apartment: approx. 30% of the apartment price

Get your offer

Let your vacation be the most beautiful time of the year and enjoy unforgettable vacation days in one of the most beautiful regions of Salzburg. We would be pleased to welcome you as a guest in the Apartmenthotel Panorama in Wagrain.

We look forward to you!
The Holzer-Roe family

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